A conference, entitled "Migration systems of Greece and Australia: a comparison" begins on Wednesday, March 4 in Melbourne. Participating will be politicians, academics and Greek-Australians.
A group exhibition of Greek artists, under the general title, "Two oceans, one sea", is being presented until March 10 at the Autonomous University of Mexico's Architecture School. The show is the first stage in an effort involving artistic exchange programs between Greece and Mexico: "1st EncontrARTE".
The President of the Council for Hellenes Abroad (CHA), Stefanos Tamvakis has sent a letter to Greek parliamentary parties calling for the immediate setting up of a committee to deal with the vote for expatriate Greeks.
The non-profit ecclesiastical organisation, "Solidarity", recently inaugurated a digital museum, in which virtually all the cultural wealth of the Church of Greece is hosted. The collection comprises 25,000 exhibits and documents, and can be accessed at: http://art.solidarity.gr.
A photographic exhibition by Stavros Andriotis, entitled “Absences and Presences” is being presented in Kharkov, Ukraine, organised by the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography.
A conference, entitled "Migration systems of Greece and Australia: a comparison" begins on Wednesday, March 4 in Melbourne. Participating will be politicians, academics and Greek-Australians.
A group exhibition of Greek artists, under the general title, "Two oceans, one sea", is being presented until March 10 at the Autonomous University of Mexico's Architecture School. The show is the first stage in an effort involving artistic exchange programs between Greece and Mexico: "1st EncontrARTE".
The President of the Council for Hellenes Abroad (CHA), Stefanos Tamvakis has sent a letter to Greek parliamentary parties calling for the immediate setting up of a committee to deal with the vote for expatriate Greeks.
The non-profit ecclesiastical organisation, "Solidarity", recently inaugurated a digital museum, in which virtually all the cultural wealth of the Church of Greece is hosted. The collection comprises 25,000 exhibits and documents, and can be accessed at: http://art.solidarity.gr.
Μελβούρνη Το υπουργείο Νέας Γενιάς και Τυχερών Παιχνιδιών της Νότιας Αυστραλίας ανέθεσε στον ομογενή Τομ Κουτσαντώνη ο πολιτειακός πρωθυπουργός, Μάικ Ραν. Ο κ. Ραν προέβη την Τρίτη σε ανασχηματισμό της κυβέρνησής του.
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