A stern letter of protest, was issued on Friday to the publishers of the German magazine FOCUS by OEK (Federation of Greek Communities in Germany), regarding the publication of two defamatory articles against Greece which are featured, as it is known, on this month’s edition of the magazine.
Until December 2010, 39 famous British restaurants will put on their blue-and-white Greek colors and host "Taste of Greece - Greek Flavors in Great Britain," inviting the British to try original Greek recipes, Greek wines and cocktails. It is all part of an effort by the Greek National Tourism Organisation's London office to promote Greece throughout Great Britain and attract a greater number of tourists to Greece this year.
The new board of directors was voted on during the 15th Conference of the Federation of Pontic Greek Societies in Europe in Frankfurt on February 21-22.Also examined during the conference, were presentations concerning the future activities of the federation, reviews of the past year’s activities and prospects for future cooperations with omogenia organizations around the world.
The Federation of Greek Communities in Germany, OEK, has sent a letter to Prime Minister George Papandreou concerning the closure of the Greek Consulate in Nuremburg.
World Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE) President Mr. Stefanos Tamvakis, issued the following announcement, on the occasion of the unethical, defamatory and vulgar articles published in the German Media against Greece:
«Όπου γης και πατρίς»- Στις 28/2/2010, στις 11.00 ώρα Ελλάδας, καλεσμένος του Μπάμπη Παπαδάκη ο κ. Κώστας Δημητρίου.
Την Κυριακή 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2010, στις 11.00 ώρα Ελλάδας, ο Μπάμπης Παπαδάκης φιλοξενεί ζωντανά στο στούντιο της ΕΡΑ-5 τον πρόεδρο της ομοσπονδίας Ελληνικών κοινοτήτων Γερμανίας, κύριο Κώστα Δημητρίου, για να μιλήσουν για το ανθελληνικό δημοσίευμα του Focus και τις αντιδράσεις της ομογένειας.