News in English
A stern letter of protest, was issued on Friday to the publishers of the German magazine FOCUS by OEK (Federation of Greek Communities in Germany), regarding the publication of two defamatory articles against Greece which are featured, as it is known, on this month’s edition of the magazine.
News in English
Until December 2010, 39 famous British restaurants will put on their blue-and-white Greek colors and host "Taste of Greece - Greek Flavors in Great Britain," inviting the British to try original Greek recipes, Greek wines and cocktails.
It is all part of an effort by the Greek National Tourism Organisation's London office to promote Greece throughout Great Britain and attract a greater number of tourists to Greece this year.
News in English
The new board of directors was voted on during the 15th Conference of the Federation of Pontic Greek Societies in Europe in Frankfurt on February 21-22.
Also examined during the conference, were presentations concerning the future activities of the federation, reviews of the past year’s activities and prospects for future cooperations with omogenia organizations around the world.
News in English
The Federation of Greek Communities in Germany, OEK, has sent a letter to Prime Minister George Papandreou concerning the closure of the Greek Consulate in Nuremburg.
News in English
World Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE) President Mr. Stefanos Tamvakis, issued the following announcement, on the occasion of the unethical, defamatory and vulgar articles published in the German Media against Greece:
Π� 26 02 2010 |
SAE Pres. Announcement, concerning the articles of the German Press and Mass Media against Greece |
Σύνταξη/επιμέλεια από τον/την Θεόφιλος Δουμάνης
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World Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE) President Mr. Stefanos Tamvakis, issued the following announcement, on the occasion of the unethical, defamatory and vulgar articles published in the German Media against Greece: “For the past days, we have become witnesses to an unprecedented, well orchestrated, attack directed towards Greece coming from a part of the German Mass Media, aiming to degrade the integrity of our birthplace which is going through a difficult time at the moment, on financial terms. Articles are being published in the press, aiming to mislead their readers through false information and accusations which are inconsistent with the community spirit of the greater European family. On behalf of all the Members of the Board of SAE, reflecting the feelings of millions of Greeks of the Diaspora world-wide, I would like to express our strong discontentment on the unethical, defamatory and vulgar published articles in the German Media, directed against Greece. The fact that at present, Greek people are facing a financial crisis, which certainly does not originate from Greece itself, does not allow anyone to make fun of it. As repeatedly stated by the Prime Minister of Greece, Mr. George Papandreou, all Greece is asking is political support and solidarity from EU member states. In this difficult course, all of us, who are scattered in the 5 continents bearing the Hellenic name with pride, are its supporters. Let us not forget that after a great storm, comes the calm. And Greece knows how to react in great storms, as it has been through many during its thousands of years of History and it still managed to stand on its feet. In its Modern History, the country went through a difficult time of occupation, especially during the Second World War, bearing devastating consequences. Our nation however, got back on its feet and sacrificed thousands of people on the altar of Freedom. Memories of the Nazi atrocities are still vivid in areas that suffered from the holocaust. History cannot be deleted. The greatness of the Hellenic spirit is that it can forgive and offer a helping hand for a better tomorrow, for the whole world.”
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Ευδοκίας οσιομάρτυρος, Δομνίνης οσίας, Μαρκέλλου και Αντωνίνης μαρτύρων
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