News in English
Only a few days after his acquittal of rape charges, Victoria MP, Theo Theophanous announced he will retire from politics. During a press conference the veteran State Labor MP said that he will not contest next State election, although having recently nominated for his Upper House Northern Metropolitan seat.
News in English
The President of the Hellenic Parliament, Dimitris Sioufas met with Greek language studies students from Ukraine, Albania and FYROM during their visit to Parliament. Mr. Sioufas met with the students, chaperone teachers and the Mayor of Psyhiko and President of the alliance “Friends of Mariupol” Irene Katsarou.
News in English
Deputy Foreign Minister Theodore Kassimis met yesterday at the Foreign Ministry with Attorney General and Minister for Justice and Industrial Relations of New South Wales, John Hatzistergos.
News in English
With a memorial service for the victims and anti-occupation events, Greek-Australians in Sydney on Sunday condemned the 35th anniversary of the Turkish invasion and occupation of Cyprus.
News in English
The Secretary of the World Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE), Dr. Olga Sarantopoulou, had the opportunity to visit the Greek community in Hungary, after an invitation issued by the president of Budapest’s Local Government of Greeks, Spyros Angardis.
Τετάρτη, 22 Ιούλιος 2009
Τ� 22 07 2009 |
Οι νέοι ομογενείς γνωρίζουν την πατρίδα
| Ρέθυμνο
Με επιτυχία ολοκληρώθηκε η φιλοξενία ομογενών νέων που υλοποιήθηκε από τη Διεύθυνση Πολιτισμού της Νομαρχιακής Αυτοδιοίκησης Ρεθύμνου. Φιλοξενήθηκαν τριάντα νέοι από διαφορετικές χώρες προέλευσης, ηλικίας από 18 έως 25 ετών.
Read More... After 3,500 years, a replica of the legendary ship on which Jason and his Argonauts battled various creatures to recover the Golden Fleece, according to ancient mythology, has reached the ancient destination of Colchis, in what is modern-day Georgia, located at the eastern end of the Black Sea.
Read More...Τ� 22 07 2009 |
Karacostas the new president of AHEPA
| Nicholas A. Karacostas was unanimously elected supreme president of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) - a leading association for the nation's three million American citizens of Greek heritage.
Read More... Τ� 22 07 2009 |
The “golden Greek woman” of Constantinople
| Marika Bachtsivanoglou – a Greek living in Constantinople - has now become one of the richest women in the world, after the death of her businessman husband. She has inherited some $3 billion, but according to press reports, is caught up in a legal battle with his former wife, who has contested the will.
Read More... Τ� 22 07 2009 |
Greek vacations for 800 children
| Some 230 children of Greek origin from 16 countries are currently on holidays at a camp operated by the General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad, in Epanomi.
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Athens, Greece
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