20:11:2009 - 12:11 EET
  • News in English
    In a message on the 36th anniversary of the students’ uprising at the Polytechnic School in Athens in 1973, World Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE) President Stefanos Tamvakis said: “The Polytechnic uprising defined notions and values, struggles and actions for a better future, setting in motion the process for the restoration of Democracy in the country where it was born. Thirty six years have passed since this heroic act and never ceased to inspire the Greeks worldwide, particularly the young.
  • News in English
    Speaking about the new strategy that the World Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE) should chart, the organisation’s secretary, Dr. Olga Sarantopoulos, said that SAE should become the best ambassador for promoting Greece, utilising the great power of Hellenes living abroad. “The SAE should embrace each Greek expatriate.
  • News in English
    An informative event on the certification of Greek language learning, issued by the Greek Language Centre, will take place in Sydney on Thursday, December 3, according to an announcement by the Greek General Consulate’s press office.
  • Ομογενειακό Δελτίο
    Γενεύη - Η Διεθνής Εταιρεία Φίλων Νίκου Καζαντζάκη, οι Πρεσβείες της Ελλάδας, τα Γαλλικά Μορφωτικά Κέντρα και τα Πανεπιστήμια
    διοργανώνουν στις πόλεις Vilnius (Λιθουανία), Tallinn & Tartu (Εσθονία) και Riga (Λετονία) στις 23, 25, 27 και 30 Νοεμβρίου σημαντικές εκδηλώσεις
    προς τιμήν του μεγάλου Κρητικού.

    Οι εκδηλώσεις περιλαμβάνουν παρουσίαση του έργου του,
    και ιδιαίτερα του ποιητικού, των ταξιδιών του και της σκέψης του.

  • News in English
    Melbourne – The row between the former president of the Hellenic Community in Melbourne, G. Fountas and the current president Bill Papastergiadis is continuing. Responding to statements and clarifications by Papastergiadis on the issue of the well known cheque from Greece, Fountas - in the “Neos Kosmos” newspaper – questioned if Papastergiadis will ever tell the truth on the matter.




Pre-election tensions in the Melbourne community
Σύνταξη/επιμέλεια από τον/την Νίκος Αγγελίδης   

 In its online edition on November 16, it was reported that Leonidas Argyropoulos was funding a scholarship program for Alphington Grammar to the value of $50,000. The announcement of the Argyropoulos gift, followed on the heels of another announcement earlier in the week that the Greek Government was providing $25,000 for the Antipodes Festival that takes place every March. The cheque was given to Papastergiadis, during a recent meeting with the General Consul of Greece in Melbourne, Christos Salamanis. Papastergiadis thanked the Greek government and especially the General Secretariat of Hellenes Abroad that provided the money for their ongoing support.

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Τελευταια Ενημέρωση: Τεταρτη, 18 11 2009 12:41
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