News in English
A photographic exhibition by Stavros Andriotis, entitled “Absences and Presences” is being presented in Kharkov, Ukraine, organised by the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography.
News in English
Twenty writers from 17 countries will take part in a literary reading program at the International Book Fair in Leipzig, Germany, at the "Kleine Sprachen-Große Literaturen",(“Small languages, big literature”) forum. The authors taking part in the program from March 12-15 are being presented in pairs, along the criteria of similarities in their writing and subject-matter.
News in English
The Council for Hellenes Abroad (CHA) Coordinator for Europe, George Amarantidis participated recently in a conference held in Germany by the Federation of Greek Associations of Parents and Guardians.
News in English
A draft bill on the expatriate Greek vote appears to have been shelved once again, following a decision by the opposition to vote against it in parliament.
News in English
A letter setting out its positions on the name dispute between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) has been sent to US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton by the Pan-Macedonian Union of USA.
Π� 27 02 2009 |
“No” to draft bill on expatriate Greek vote |
Συντάχθηκε απο τον/την Θεόφιλος Δουμάνης
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A draft bill on the expatriate Greek vote appears to have been shelved once again, following a decision by the opposition to vote against it in parliament. In an interview with the program, “Network without Borders”, main opposition Pasok deputy Tilemachos Hytiris described the bill as makeshift, stressing that it had been drawn up only in order to show expatriate Greeks that the government was making an effort in this direction. He noted that expatriate Greeks themselves did not agree with the provisions of the draft bill and said that in order to play a real role, there should be electoral districts and they should vote for their own MPs.
Meanwhile, in response to objections by the World Council of Hellenes Abroad (CHA) to the draft law, government spokesman Evangelos Antonaros, said, "We believe that the suggested transitional solution was the best possible at the present time, and that everyone should contribute towards it being accepted. He underlined that the specific draft law is very important, as it allows Greek citizens living abroad to vote from their country of residence, thus avoiding trouble and expense of returning to Greece to cast one's vote.
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