A circular released by the Turkish education ministry has removed powers and responsibilities previously held by mandatory Turkish deputy headmasters appointed to private schools set up by minority ethnic groups, relative to their own ethnic minority headmaster.
Greece is determined to exercise an active policy with initiatives at all level, Deputy Foreign minister Dimitris Droutsas stressed yesterday, speaking on state NET television on the economy, Greek-Turkish relations, FYROM and other current affairs. “This is the mandate that the Greek people have given us,” he added.
The World Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE) Oceania and Far East Region, in cooperation with the Association of Modern Greek Studies of Australia and New Zealand, has called a meeting in Sydney of all active academics in tertiary education throughout Australia.
Many Australian and New Zealand newspapers over the weekend referred to the Greek economy, following news of the French-German deal which will function as a “safety net” for the Eurozone member states that face loan problems in the market.
Many Australian and New Zealand newspapers over the weekend referred to the Greek economy, following news of the French-German deal which will function as a “safety net” for the Eurozone member states that face loan problems in the market.
The articles noted the operation of the deal as a model for the fiscal management of Europe and pointed to the concerns…
A journey to Aghia Sophia was aired last night by Christos Vassilopoulos in the program, “Time Machine” broadcast by the state-run NET television.
Mήνυμα Σαραντοπούλου για την Επέτειο του Αγώνα της Κύπρου
Στο αγώνα των κυπρίων εναντίον των άγγλων που ξεκίνησε την 1η Απριλίου του 1955 αναφέρεται σε μήνυμα της η Γραμματέας του ΣΑΕ Δρ Όλγα Σαραντοπούλου.Ο αγώνας της ΕΟΚΑ 1955-1959 που έγινε με σκοπό την αποτίναξη του αγγλικού ζυγού και την ένωση της Κύπρου με την μητέρα Ελλάδα, οδήγησε τελικά στην ανακήρυξη της Κύπρου ως ανεξάρτητου κράτους το 1960, την Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία. Μια πατρίδα που από το 1974 ζει το δράμα της παράνομης εισβολής και κατοχής. Όλοι οι Έλληνες σε κάθε γωνιά της γης δίνουμε την δική μας μάχη για την επανένωση της Μεγαλονήσου σημειώνει η κυρία Σαραντοπούλου.