The New York Times has listed “The origins of El Greco - The art of icon painting in Venetian Crete” exhibition in NY as one of the three best art exhibits this fall and dedicated a full page article in its November 20th edition. The exhibit is currently on display at the Onassis Cultural Center in Manhattan’s Olympic Tower.
Two individuals were charged and will be tried with molesting a young Greek girl during church services in Sydney Australia. The two men, Athansasios Psyhogios, 39, and Antonis Golosian, 62, impersonated clergy members and molested the young woman during “prayer” service claiming they would relieve her of a curse.
The extraordinary and scheduled annual general assembly of the Greek Orthodox communities of Melbourne and Victoria were conducted last Sunday in a tense climate and under unacceptable conditions.
Dennis Syndilas, the inspirer, visionary and founder of Athens Square in Astoria, Queens, was honored by the Athenian Association of New York, who declared him and honorary president of the association during a special ceremony that was held last Sunday at Central Lounge in Astoria.
Βαρύς χειμώνας, Πεκίνο, 2008. Το κρύο ήταν τσουχτερό. Τα λασπόνερα είχαν παγώσει. Ο παγωμένος αέρας διαπερνούσε το κορμί της. Εκείνη χόρευε στο χώμα με ένα μικρό φανελάκι και μια φούστα να καλύπτουν το λυγερό και λεπτό κορμί της. "Έκανε φοβερό κρύο αλλά εμείς έπρεπε να προσποιούμαστε πως ήταν καλοκαίρι", λέει η Καμίλα Βεργωτή, πρωταγωνίστρια μιας νέας αυστραλιανής ταινίας που προορίζεται για διεθνή προβολή. Για τις ανάγκες αυτής της ταινίας και ο χορός στο παγωμένο Πεκίνο.
Τίτλος της "Ο Τελευταίος Χορευτής του Μάο" ( Mao's Last Dancer) και ήδη είναι μια από τις εμπορικότερες αυστραλιανές ταινίες όλων των εποχών,…
News in English
Fred Boissonas exhibit in Sofia
Σύνταξη/επιμέλεια από τον/την Μπάμπης Παπαδάκης
The exhibition "Itinerary to Mount Athos, 1928-1930" presents a selection from the 400 photographs of the travels of Swiss photographer Frédéric Boissonnas to Mount Athos in 1928 and 1930. With this exhibition, the HFC Centre in Sofia participates in the formal events dedicated to the celebration of Sofia - 130 years capital of Bulgaria.
The over 30 Greek-American victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks were honoured late last week at an austere ceremony at the site of the small St. Nicholas church. A special blessing was conducted by the Archbishop of America, Demetrios, at the ceremony, which was attended by the general consuls of Greece and Cyprus, Agis Baltas and Andreas Panagiotou, respectively.
The Association of Greek American Travel Agents (GATA) is expressing concerns over the fate of approximately 1500 Olympic Airlines passengers who have return tickets dated after September 30th, the date the airline is set to conduct its final flights.
An open letter to all political parties in view of the forthcoming October 4th elections in Greece was sent by the Federation of Greek Communities of Germany (OEK) which calls on all parties to include Greeks of the Diaspora on ballots of the state as well as regional ballots, that will include, distinguished personalities specializing on issues of significance as well on national interest for Greeks abroad.
The former president of the Federation of Hellenic Associations of Greater New York, Nick Diamantidis, will be included in the State deputy ticket for George Karatzaferis’ nationalist Laos party in the upcoming October 4 elections in Greece.